Caspe manufactures heavy steel metalwork for third parties for all applications in the infrastructure sector.
Metalwork's applications in the infrastructure sector
Metalwork fpr infrastructural applications basically consists of formworks for concrete pouring, made in complex shapes and often remarkable size. In addition to this, infastructural metalwork also includes the manufacturing of special construction machines for the building of tunnels, bridges and prefabricated structures on behalf of third parties.
Some examples of metalwork for infrastructural applications
Caspe is able to carry out internally the realization of any type of metalwork for the infrastructure sector, working on the customer’s design and following internally – through our specialized technical office and staff – all the processing phases, starting from project optimization and ending with quality control. Here are some examples of industrial iron and steel metalwork that we can build on behalf of third parties:

Gallery and Tunnel formwork

Bridge formwork

Dam formwork

Precabricated structures formwork

Special formwork

Special construction machinery